Sunday Eucharist Parish Survey

a. I am:

1. Female
2. Male

b. My age is:

1. 19 or under
2. 20-29
3. 30-39
4. 40-49
5. 50-59
6. Over 60 - 38

c. My highest level of education is:

1. Grade School
2. High School
3. Vocational School
4. Some Graduate
5. College Graduate
6. Postgraduate Work

d. My employment status is

1. Part-time
2. Full-time
3. Homemaker
4. Student
5. Unemployed
6. Retired
7. Disabled

e. I have been a member of this parish for:

1. Less than 1 year
2. 1-5 years
3. 6-10 years
4. 11-20 years
5. 20+ years

1. In my parish I experience the opening hymn/song as something that:
a. helps me get in the mood for Mass.
b. adds festivity or solemnity to the entrance of the priest and ministers.
c. gives me a hint of what the "theme" of the day is.
d. frequently seems unrelated to the liturgy.
e. gathers me together with other members of the Body of Christ.

2. In my parish I experience the penitential rite as something that:
a. is a statement of God's mercy and love.
b. is an opportunity for private reflection on my sinfulness.
c. reconciles an individual with God.
d. is a communal confession of sin followed by an absolution prayer.
e. rarely go

3. In my parish I experience the rite of blessing and being sprinkled with holy water as something that:
a. has no purpose other than getting me wet.
b. is a special way to make the, sign of the cross.
c. helps me recall my baptismal commitment as a child of God.
d. is not applicable/not done in my parish.

4. In my parish I experience the "Glory to God" as something that:
a. is a sung prayer of praise.
b. seems unnecessary after an opening song.
c. seems out of place after a penitential prayer.
d. adds festivity to the Mass.
e. is rarely done.

5. In my parish I experience the opening prayer as something that:
a. brings the beginning of the Mass to a conclusion.
b. is a collection of the assembly's prayers presented to God.
c. feels like the beginning of Mass.

6. In my parish I experience the readings used at Sunday Mass as something that:
a. helps me recall God's working through history.
b. helps me search for God's presence in my daily life.
c. is too old-fashioned to have meaning for today.
d. is hard to follow.

7. In my parish I experience the psalm as something that:
a. responds to the first reading.
b. is a kind of poetry that speaks to my life.
c. is too old-fashioned to have meaning for today.
d. is a meditative way to recall, what God has done and continues to do.

8. In my parish I experience the homily as something that:
a. relates to my daily life experience.
b. helps me understand why I receive the Eucharist.
c. speaks from the readings to questions of social justice.
d.. inspires me to a deeper spiritual life.
e. challenges and nourishes me by helping me understand the readings better.
f. does all of the above.
g. does none of the above.

9. In my parish I experience the profession of faith as something that:
a. is a statement of my belief.
b. is an assent to the word of God heard in the Scripture readings and homily.
c. is a significant prayer in the Mass.
d. is too long to be meaningful.
e. I recite without thinking.
f. is rarely done.

10. In my parish I experience the prayer of the faithful as something that:
a. offers prayers for the needs of the church and the world.
b. offers prayers for the needs of the local parish.
c. offers my individual prayers.
d. presents the personal intentions of the priest.
e. does all of the above.
f. does none of the above.

11. In my parish I experience the main purpose of the preparation of the gifts and altar as something that:
a. is a time to take up the collection.
b. is a time to listen to choir or cantor music.
c. prepares me for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
d. is the time when we place our gifts on the altar.
e. is the time when we offer the bread and wine to God.
f. helps me to dwell on the message of the readings and homily.

12. In my parish I experience the eucharistic prayer as something that:
a. is the prayer of consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ.
b. is the people's prayer of thanksgiving led by the priest.
c. is the prayer of the priest.

13. In my parish I experience the sign of peace as something that:
a. builds community.
b. is a time to shake hands.
c. feels like an interruption.
d. is unnecessary.
e. invites me to share the gift of God's peace with others.

14. In my parish I experience the "Lamb of God" (fraction rite) as something that:
a. is necessary to break the consecrated bread into manageable pieces for communion.
b. reminds everyone that many members make up the Body of Christ.
c. is the time for the communion ministers to come forward.
d. feels too long.

15. In my parish I experience communion time as something that:
a. is my personal prayer time with Christ.
b. is the time to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
c. is a time for the community to become the Body of Christ.
d. is all of the above.

16. In my parish I experience receiving the Blood of Christ as something that:
a. I always try to do if the cup is offered.
b. seems unnecessary to me.
c. seems unsanitary to me.
d. I cannot do because my parish never or rarely offers it.

17. In my parish I experience the final blessing and dismissal as something that:
a. sends us forth to bring God's love into our daily lives.
b. is a time to sing one more hymn or song.
c. signals that Mass is over.

18. I think people who habitually leave Mass early (right after communion):
a. most likely have a good reason.
b. feel they have satisfied their obligation.
c. don't understand what they are missing.
d. should be embarrassed.

19. Practicing new music before Mass:
a. distracts me from my private prayer.
b. helps me participate better.
c. seems tedious.
d. gets me in the mood for singing.
e. is not done in my parish.

20. The music ministry of our parish:
a. helps me to pray.
b. needs more participation from the assembly.
c. seems like performance.
d. invites me to participate in sung prayer.
e. needs to be more engaging.

21. Our seasonal decorations:
a. put me in the mood for the liturgical season.
b. are inviting to prayer and worship.
c. are distracting.
d. seem overdone.
e. are too sparse.

22. Children in our parish community seem to be:
a. integrated well into our worshiping assembly.
b. merely tolerated in our assembly.
c. the focus of our Mass.
d. allowed to be excessively disruptive.

23. When rituals are added to the Mass at my parish (Baptism, First Communion, RCIA rituals) I feel:
a. that it adds interesting variety to the Mass.
b. that it connects me with the parish community.
c. glad to experience these prayers.
d. annoyed that Mass will last longer.

24. In my parish Sunday Mass is:
a. a time to encounter Christ.
b. a time to be renewed weekly in living out my Christian vocation.
c. the priest's prayer and preaching of God's message to me.
d. a time to actively participate as a member of God's family.
e. a chance for me to pray my personal prayers in church.
f. an obligation I have to fulfill.

25. The best thing about our Sunday Mass is:

a. the feeling of awe or mystery I get in the church.
b. the homilies.
c. hospitality and feeling welcome.
d. the music.
e. the priest.
f. the sense of community.
g. my experience of prayer and ritual.